This international symposium series is organized by the
Quantum Beam Science Directorate (QuBS) of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), to provide an international forum to discuss the advances in 'quantum beam science and technology'.
JAEA was established on October 1st, 2005 by merging the former Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) and the Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) to perform basic and applied research on nuclear energy related sciences and technologies. One of the JAEA's major objectives is the commitment to the quantum beam science and technology, based on the quantum beam facilities of JAEA such as research reactors and accelerators, providing neutrons, electron beams, ion beams, synchrotron radiation and high intensity laser beams. For such a purpose a new research division named Quantum Beam Science Directorate has been established as one of the nine directorates of JAEA.